GLOW at a Glance


Wondering what the contents of the Leader Guides look like? Take a glimpse. This excerpt is from the Leading a GLOW Session, Class # 1: Initiating a New GLOW Group and provides you with a step-by-step description of all aspects of the program.




Leading a GLOW Session


Class # 1: Initiating a New GLOW Group



        I.      Welcome & Greet GLOW girls and parents/caregivers


Finish registration process if necessary and collect forms if not submitted via email.

Girls participate in an ice breaker. (Appendix 2)


It’s always important to start on time to set a good example for girls and parents.



      II.      GLOW Layout


Girls and GLOW Leader always sit in a circle, preferably on the floor with mats, but chairs in a circle will also work.

GLOW Leader explains the circle is a shape which allows all participants to see each other and feel included.

It is a symbol of support. In the same way we acknowledge the original keepers of our land, we would like to

give the authors of the book Reclaiming Youth at-Risk credit for the creation of this Circle of Courage

philosophy (see which highlight the four foundations of self-worth.

Girls are each given a GLOW binder to keep their GLOW Goal Sheet, Fitness Force Chart, Student Checklist & LAWSEQ checklist.
A candle is positioned in the center of the circle. The candle’s light provides a sense of safety and represents hope for change and strength for the girls.



    III.      Lighting of the Candle


The lighting of the candle signifies time for participants to share their thoughts, feelings and ideas without judgment or concern about the information going beyond the circle itself. The lighting also represents the beginning of the GLOW Circle where all agree to keep the specific comments made during this time confidential. The girls are encouraged to talk about topics outside of the GLOW Circle time but names of GLOW girls and specific comments made are restricted since this would constitute a breach of confidence. This expectation promotes trust and creates a bond between the girls.


As the GLOW Leader, it is important to reiterate the Confidentiality Agreement (In the GLOW Forms Section). Any information shared that signals a GLOW Girl may harm


themselves or others is shared immediately with their parents. All parents of the other GLOW Girls would be informed of a serious event in the GLOW Circle. Providing support for all group members would be a priority.


    IV.      Sharing Thoughts (40 minutes)


Once the candle is lit, the Leader asks for the girl’s feedback regarding creating a comfortable environment for everyone to share. (First Class only) the Leader would reinforce the following GLOW Circle Guidelines (Appendix 22):